To maintain tight control of stock, and provide excellent customer service, setting up your records is critical
Ultra fast stock look ups
- Set Stock codes to suit you business with very fast look ups, due to use of iNTIGRATE's nine (9) parameter stock code description set up field. 79 characters in total if required.
- Very quick stock code set up due to "Save as" option
- Allow for search by quick code, description, bar code, RFID.
Set up alternate customer codes for stock items
- Set up alternate customer stock codes for specific customers to enable e billing or online validation of orders received.
- Ability to track stock items by Batch code or lot number or serial number.
- Set up products including physical dimensions, weight and cube.
- Stock can be set up in Stock Groups for searching and or reporting purpose.
- Individual stock can be pre-assigned various outer pack options
- Individual stock items can be assigned to carriers and locations by pack type to automatically accrue expected freight charges, either inward or outbound, for freight recovery and or on charging freight to third parties and also creditor control by automating an accrual in the creditor’s ledger to allow for quick checking of freight accounts by Accounts Payable staff.
Multiple Selling prices
- Multiple selling prices can be assigned to inventory items, either on a stock group basis, or a customer basis, or contract basis, and or discount pricing schedules based on quantity and or value.
- Ability to set up goods in various selling forms, ie packs, or kits, or multiple selling units, ie single, boxes of, cartons of, outers of cartons and or boxes of (singles).
- Ability to set up purchase packs to enable you to buy in different formats to what you sell, ie buy in carton lots but sell by the piece or individually.
Multiple Suppliers for same product
- Multiple suppliers with multiple costs prices and reorder codes for individual products can also be set up.
- Stock costing can be achieved in several different ways, ie Average cost, latest cost, standard cost. iNTIGRATE can operate in any of these environments.
Multiple supplier payment options for trading companies, ie meat, seafood, horticulture.
- To give further flexibility iNTIGRATE also allows for fixed prices, including or excluding industry levy deductions, invoice pricing, or average sales price less deductions where customers “supply on consignment” and you are required to provide BCTI’s (Buyer Created Tax Invoices). In addition to these providing suppliers of sale details for every item, and or each price level is also possible while using iNTIGRATE, depending on the set up options you choose.
Control contract pricing terms, date ranges or special pricing options
- Contract and Discount pricing has been a long term feature of iNTIGRATE and works particularly well for fixed period contracts, with start and finish dates and can be tied into specific unique customer codes for standard stock, with unique pre agreed pricing. This is a very powerful tool for long term contracts where any variances results in slow payments and or errors against DIFOT performance objectives for large corporate clients.
- iNTIGRATE provides additional fields to hold additional data your company may require. This information is accessible in real time and as it part of the integrated accounting system, can be relied upon to be accurate and freely available to those authorised to access it.
To find out more about of the myriad of options available or to arrange a demonstration please contact us now.